Embark on an exciting journey as a Data Solutions Architect, designing and implementing advanced data solutions that drive informed business decisions. You’ll work closely with stakeholders, utilising Databricks and Azure Data Factory to tailor SPARK-powered data processing pipelines and ensure optimal integration and performance. Responsible for managing data ingestion and maintaining source code in Java, ASP.Net, or C#, your role is crucial in safeguarding data integrity and performance. Dive into this impactful position, shaping data-centric projects that significantly benefit both internal and external customers.
Minimum of 5 years in data engineering, including at least 2 years of hands-on experience with Databricks, Delta Lake, and Azure services
Proven track record in transitioning from traditional data warehousing to modern data platform architectures
Mastery of SQL and Python for data processing and development
Proficiency in SPARK-based data processing
Acumen in both batch and streaming data ingestion
Experience with Delta Lake architectures and their integration with Azure Storage Gen2
Expertise in using Azure Data Factory for pipeline orchestration
O Seitequ:
Sme Seiteq, IT outsourcing v dobrých rukách. Od roku 2009 spájame najlepších IT guru so skvelými projektmi po celom svete. Pobočky máme na Slovensku, v Českej republike a v Bulharsku. Medzi našimi spokojnými klientmi nájdete medzinárodné spoločnosti ako IBM, SAP, HPE a mnohé ďalšie. S nami je hiring rýchly, spoľahlivý a efektívny, pričom vám šetríme čas, náklady aj pracovné kapacity.